The Voyage of Captain Plank - Cheat sheet

Stuck on an clue?

No worries, Courtyard Escapes is here to help. Check out some additional clues below to help you solve the riddles contained within your booklet.

Clue 1

Standing at the end of the alley from Courtyard Escapes, looking directly above Victoria Passenger across the road, how many windows are in each row of that building?

Clue 2

At the end of Victoria Passage, walk left until to reach unit 14 (be careful when crossing the road). On the opposite side of the road is another passageway that goes back to the high street, and on the wall is written another passage name beginning in T.

Clue 3

A piece of eight is a pirate’s name for treasure. What shiny stone is the leisure centre named after?

Clue 4

Look for a mosaic on the floor of the grounds to the church hall. It’s of an animal you’d find on safari.

Clue 5

In the old school building, there’s a sign showing the number of apartments that have been built. What’s the highest number you can see?

Clue 6

Look for the name of a well-known pub that’s well known for its far-away toilets and has pirate barrels outside the front.

Clue 7

Above the entrance to the subway is a cast iron picture of two trains. Count the number of people on the train and times that by the number of letters in the word STATION written below.

Clue 8

To find the answer to this clue, you must go inside the bus station. Look  for a plaque located near a set of amazon parcel collection lockers.

Clue 9

Look for the sign attached to the front gates of the college. Not including the word at the top, count the 4th word and use the decoder within the booklet to figure out the right answer.

Clue 10

Walk back towards the subway you just crossed, and on the opposite side of the road is the Duke of William pub. Can you see a big sign nearby with the name of the brewery on it?

Clue 11

Look at the clock tower and imagine the face is a compass. If the minute hand is pointing north (upwards) and the hour hand is pointing west (left), what time is it. Remember to write your answer in roman numerals (as they’re written on the clock).

Clue 12

Count the colours in our logo. Use the sign on the wall to help you.

Final Mission

Once you have all the answers to the 12 clues, you’ll need to decode the final puzzle. Using the code written at the bottom of page 6 and the grey boxes to the clues, work together to find the final number code. Find the lockbox with X marks the spot to unveil the hidden treasure.

If you need any further help, please get in touch using the details below